stacey lyn boutique photography

senior photos infused with energy & movement.

based in pittsburgh, PA | destination sessions available

Senior Photography: Class of 2024 Senior Creator Team Holiday Shoot

Night photos of two girls sitting at a table with holiday lights behind them

Senior Creator Team Holiday Shoot: The Location

The Senior Creator Team Holiday shoot happened recently! Some members of the Class of 2024 Senior Creator Team and I took a break from the holiday busyness to have some fun exploring the PPG Ice Rink and People’s Gas Holiday Market. Despite the chilly temps we had such a fun night! I got to do some night photography, which I don’t get to do very often, and love love love the results!

Riley, Morgan, me, and my trusty lighting assistant (and husband) Jason explored Market Square and the surrounding area. The parents got in some Christmas shopping at the market. When I go into a shoot, I usually have a general idea in mind of the types of images I want to create, but I keep that a loose vision so that I can be inspired in the moment. One image that I knew I wanted was an image of Riley and Morgan in the center of Forbes Avenue. There were really cute string lights strung across the street, and I could just see the shot. Well…all I can say is that sometimes things don’t go as planned and you have to come up with another option on the fly!

Senior Creator Team Holiday Shoot: The Truck🤬

The moment we started to walk over towards Forbes Avenue, a HUGE tractor trailer parked…you guessed it…right in the center of the the shot. UGH. We took some other photos while we waited…and waited…and waited for the truck to move. But it seems he had settled in for a long winter’s night. I conceded defeat and we moved on.

I couldn’t get that shot out of my head! Once we had moved around town and gotten some other great images, we decided to see if the truck had moved along. He was just pulling out! YAY! We hurried over to Forbes and started to set up the shot. All of a sudden the street had more cars than normal and traffic was backing up. That same tractor trailer had gotten stuck trying to round the corner into Market Square! Now we had a gazillion cars on the very street where I was trying capture the shot! I quickly realized that there would be no Christmas miracle tonight.

Time for Plan B. We moved to the sidewalk and I angled to keep the traffic jam out of the image. Guess what? The two images we created are some of my favorites of the entire evening! Here they are…let me know what you think!

Two teen girls standing on a lighted downtown Pittsburgh sidewalk at night during the holidays.

Riley & Morgan were troopers that night – braving the cold and having patience with all of my creative inspo (I definitely have shiny object syndrome when I am shooting). And, we found some patio heaters on Forbes Avenue that night too that kept us warm in between photographing. It was a fun time spent getting into the Christmas spirit on the Senior Creator Team Holiday Shoot and I am so excited to share the resulting images!

Images of two teen girls in Market Square & PPG Plaza at night during the holidays.

Enrollments Opening Soon For The Class of 2025 Creator Team

I’ll have lots more to share in early 2024! The Creator Team and I have been busy behind the scenes with lots of photo shoots! Be sure to follow me on Insta so that you can see what we’ve been up to!

Enrollments for the Class of 2025 Creator Team open in January, so your chance to join is coming up soon! If you want to be a part of styled photo shoots, have unique opportunities, work with local/online brands, participate in community outreach, and much more here’s what to do. Sign up for the VIP List so that you can be the first to get all of the details on what the team entails & be notified when enrollments open. This is NOT a model team. Everyone who wants to take part is welcome! I hope to see your name on the list & can’t wait to meet you! If you want to learn more about the team, you can learn more here.

Photography: @slboutiquephoto
Locations: PPG Ice Rink and People’s Gas Holiday Market
Full Image Gallery: See all of the final images here
